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IRD Patient Registry

Fighting Blindness Canada’s IRD Patient Registry is a secure medical database where Canadians may submit information about their inherited retinal disease. This registry will provide information about the number of Canadians
living with IRDs, which may help inform health care decision making.

If you have a patient with an IRD, you can enroll them to the Fighting Blindness Canada IRD Patient Registry: Learn more

Additional resources

Below are some patient organizations that your patients living with an IRD might find helpful:

Canadian Council of the Blind

Canadian Council of the Blind

Connects Canadians in their local communities to engage in a variety of social and recreational activities.

Learn more

CNIB foundation

CNIB Foundation

Offers programs and advocacy for Canadians impacted by blindness.

Learn more

fighting blindness

Fighting Blindness Canada

Provides resources for Canadians to navigate their diagnosis and take care of their eyes.

Learn more



Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada

Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada

Offers personalized rehabilitation services by province for Canadians experiencing vision loss and their families.

Learn more

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